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Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Somewhere along the way, it has become a must to get the latest gadget. Somewhere along the way, it has become the trend to shame others for not taking up what these companies have added. Somewhere along the way, the integrity we crave is replaced with empty promises and a grim report at the end of the day. Somewhere in a land we thought was at peace, there has been a continual downgrade of bringing others to their knees. Somewhere, somehow, someday, if we pay attention, there is a  rainbow that is now appearing when we see "Today as the day, and now as the time to enter into loves diamond mine." 


Stones of Fire: Two hearts separate in a journey meet on a restless sea, looking for the joy they once knew, or to simply be. Two spirits absorbed in the harmony of finding true love, race to find their place in this changing world of dark and light. Two vessels strengthened by the need to receive nature's seed, experience the heat of this hidden fire with delight. Two as one succumb to a wave of energy that becomes the pathway to walk above the mire. And therein two hearts become firestones to others even in stormy weather, knowing they are no longer alone.


​Strings of the Heart: Walking the ridge, looking out to sea, my spirit sails on the wind to where there is time for me. Looking at the clouds as they sail past, my heart has been looking for a love that would last. Continuing on, the day turns into night, and I see the unseen revealed in the moonlight. Watching the sea move in and out I am released from wondering what my life is about. While breathing in the salt air and hearing the seagulls call, I am left at peace and with a lot fewer walls.


The Butterfly Effect: If I were a kitten, I wonder if I would wonder about anything but being playful? If I were a puppy, would I think about the next election or just be adorably cute? If I were a snowflake, would I carry the weight of daily news or simply be? If I were a stream, would I want anything more than run the course? Well, I am not a puppy or a kitten and surely not a snowflake or a stream. But I am one who can make my day more like a country girl's dream. Living by the code of a butterfly flitting in and out, I have a choice of what fills my day. And for me, that is about what causes me to enjoy this moment in a new way.


The Dance Begins: Mirrored in a fantasy of what one thinks is real, hides the image of one with nothing left to feel. Revealed in the journey the ties to what might have been. And then in a moment, the dance begins: Adding unclaimed joy and luminescent light, shining brightly in the midst of a very dark night. Creating a pattern of excitement filled with hope, exploding in an array of color that evokes, A change of heart, and a transformed spirit ready to take a chance on forming new lyrics, On a path full of rubble and stone, and a time of putting to an end feeling alone.


The Eyes of Hope: Listening to another's heartbeat with an intense fire. Storm clouds line the horizon and thunderclaps sound in the distance. While birds sing in a chorus that never tires. An eagle rises into its daily flight without resistance. Butterflies escape from their cocoons as jackrabbits run wild in the afternoon. And love becomes the gateway to a garden of sweet incense, hope grows freely without pretense, as a quiet stream opens the door to complete release. Knowing there is only one thing that creates such a delightful feast, making the decision to stop, look, and listen to nature's wisdom.


The Grace of an Eagle: In the quiet of the evening when all of nature is asleep. I hear the barn owl in the moonlight that acts as a hidden key.  Leaving its mark on my spirit without even having to try. I see and I hear and I am moved to ask why. Why does a barn owl have the power to move one's eyes off the day-to-day? And therein get one to look at things that seem impossible in a new way. In the dawning of the sunrise, it is radiant and full, I see an eagle gracefully move on the horizon that speaks to my soul.


The Flight of a Firebird: I see: wings of love flying above the chaos. Moving on the wind with grace like a hidden key. I hear: birds singing and the wind racing across the sky, freeing me to hum along as I draw nigh. I feel: nothing but light overcome me though this world has gotten dark, revealing within it a unique ark. I know: it's all held within my mind, and yet I still believe there is power to change what we conceive.


The Heart: The heart wants what it wants, mine has been through the mill, and yet it is still beating. The heart wants what it wants, mine has been broken over another's conquest, and yet it is still in the running, and I am blessed. The heart wants what it wants, life can not exist without the heart, and at the same time, it rules where it should depart. The heart wants what it wants, love can not be defined by three words, and I realize now there is nothing real in what I heard.


The Heart of an Athlete: When the clouds lift, what remains is more precious than gold, I am told. When the mountain view becomes clear, that is when you can see, without fear. When there is quiet contentment within, there is room to begin. When time is slipping away, and there is no door to a new day. When all feels lost, and it seems life becomes too high of a cost, that's when it's time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and take another lap. Part Two: By Shamamama: Like a cat lapping its milk, there is a powerful purr burning underneath. This heart of fire stoked by a steady inhale of winds burst a season of mammalian power: the powerful legs of the racing greyhound, the focused gaze of a panther in pursuit of its prey, the might and breath of the humpback submerging, the light and quick beat of hummingbird wings, the deafening roar of a lion announcing its comeback, the playful confidence of the dolphin dancing midair, and the magnificent heartbeat of a giraffe, seeing above it all.


copyright 1991 and beyond


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