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Pearls of Gold: In the flight of the butterfly, I see such grace. Butterflies rarely need others, to give it space. In the progression of the river, I see such strength. In the life of a gardener, there is a need to nurture the seed, with tools that cause it to expand and hold back the weeds. In the beauty of a seashell, I see a hidden mystery within. In the journey of an ant, I observe no hidden wheels. Ants carry their load and do not try to make a deal. In the beauty of a sunrise that goes full circle into a sunset, I am mindful of a moment that I will not soon forget.


Petals of Light: The evening is all aglow, and the flowers this time of night are like magical feathers that line the horizon with delight. The sun is setting, the air is clear, and my spirit is renewed with observing the beauty that has drawn me near. The quiet is all-consuming, despite a day of no rest, bringing awareness that such contentment is what makes life worth the quest. The sounds of nature all around creates a treasure chest of experience that causes hope to abound. Leaving only one conclusion that each day is a gift, and there is no time like the present to give your heart a lift.


Rachel's Promise: The days of wine and roses have long passed, yet the woman, in me, has not given up on finding a relationship that will last. No longer wanting to keep my head in the sand, I am looking to understand the meaning of this open door. As the days of loss and too much pain disappear, like smog in the spring rain. The days of listening seem obsolete, and if so, where is the fruit of resolve versus the constant need to compete? Leaving me to think, Leah has been the center of my day-to-day routine. And now the days of Rachel's promise must be conceived.

Rain Shadow: The rain came down in a gentle mist, creating magic that I have missed. Cleansing the air and revealing clarity of form, my spirit rises beyond the norm. Leaving a sense of quiet that transcends time and excitement as the sun begins to shine. And therein is a gentle whisper of pure light, moves on a new horizon, that is now in sight. Restoring the balance to a peaceful shore, I see there is a hidden treasure yet to explore.


Reflections: In the gentleness of a mountain spring, I sense the mystery of a hidden stream In the strength of a waterfall I see the power to revive forgotten dreams In the awareness of my own sense of love, I know there must be more to explore In the wisdom of accepting life where it is and I give me, permission to close a door In the heart of an adventurer that can't be reigned in I choose, to let my spirit fly free within.


Return Flight: A crystal vase or drinking glass holds the same blossoms and, both will last. A light shines in the daytime and at night, and both are exceeding bright. A butterfly flits in and out, much like a hummingbird on its personal route. A train whistle marks the passage of time, like the tide on a seashore becomes a sign. An eagle sails through the open sky, and a whale roams the sea, without asking why. And my heart is lifted thinking on these things, like a bird that has found its way to use its wings.


Rhythm of the Tide: Listening to the quiet, I can hear the sound of the sea rushing in and out like a waterfall powerful and free. Looking to the horizon and the mountains that line the sky, I see an open field full of horses of varying sizes. Laying in the soft green grass with the scent of wildflowers at my side, I am released to experience the rhythm of the tide. Leaning into a gentle breeze, and the rain coming down like winter lace, I see a heart that is renewed by love's embrace. And at a moment's notice, there is a change in the air. Life has become something that is beautiful to share.


Rosebud Fire: A wild rose appeared today growing in the crack in the cement. Pushing its way through hardened ground to see the sun making its ascent. Releasing the scent of a fragile yet vibrant flower in a place no one would look. This wild rose appeared to me as something of an open book,  and yet, with the sense of mystery, it stirs I am lead to contemplate the treasures held within, as a costly string of precious pearls forged taking up the courage to begin again. For only a wild rose can abide where no one would expect, and therein have a profound effect.


Sail On: The pulse of the spirit is about love. It is not about the rage of this world's pain. It is about a life transformed and will never be the same. The voice of healing has nothing to do with what man has in mind. And, the heartbeat of truth and the presence of hope have nothing to do with this slippery slope. But for the one who will listen and then bear the fruit, there is a rose of Sharon about to take root.


Silent Whispers: Does the whisper of a songbird bring any joy? Does the revealing of a firefly keep the fire from being destroyed? Does the heart of a turtledove reveal new light? Does the spirit of a butterfly release one's sight? Does a stallion crave running this race? Does a filly know to come alongside with grace? Does a lightning bolt ever strike twice? Does a storm cloud lifting reveal what is wise? Does loving and being loved to make one whole? Does a life spent giving out ever give back the time it stole? And in the end, does listening to one's inner voice, empower or destroy one's personal choice.


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