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The Burning Bush: by Joey
In 1991 I was faced with just such a fire: Hairy Cell Leukemia. After months of testing, I faced a splenectomy due to unexplained bruising, 3 transfusions, chemotherapy, 5 more transfusions, 7 bone marrow biopsies; only to be told I had a severely damaged immune system and to realize my nerves were severely damaged as well. I honestly thought I'd lose my mind.  Little did I know that God had me right where he wanted me; for it was at that time "the word" was opened up for me, like never before.  

One scripture in particular that became very real for me is found in  Prov.  3:5  "Trust the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Understanding is defined as a change of mind (and that requires discipline). Discipline means a training that develops obedience.  One month before I was told I had leukemia I had committed to come to church full time. I did not know then, that the power of the word being brought forth would "start me on a journey" of such radical healing of body, mind, and spirit.  


Heb.  4:12  "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit ..." When I reached my place of fire; I had a choice to make: To be distracted, confused, and afraid, or to be focused and willing to walk by faith.  

In  Jer.  30:21  we're told: "Set up for yourself road marks, the place for yourself quick posts. Direct your mind to the highway." By the spirit,  my guideposts had been set in place so that His immense love could take root and I could begin to find true rest.  Isa.40:31 "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint."


Faint means lose focus!  In the hospital the second time; at night I would see a dark misty cloud at the foot of my bed--and I would hallucinate that there were snakes crawling all over me. After a day of antibiotics and transfusions the only thing that would break the yoke of fear and death--was the spoken word expressed in a song...  It is the same tool of healing  "that breaks the yoke" today.  


Matt.1:29  "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your soul."


Rest is a process! Yet, it is in experiencing rest that I began to understand the words of  Rom.8:28 God causes all things to work together for good...  What I understand is that---had it not been for a strong faith--my life would have been lost in a storm of confusion.   

Several years have passed and I have gone 'through'  another bout with Leukemia; the 7 bone marrow biopsies have turned to 8, the 8 transfusions have turned to 10  and after a bit of a fight, I am in remission. Much of the same process has occurred but this time I have to say the journey mentally was twice the challenge to stay focused and not feel angry that the first healing did not seemingly stick. I remember the day I found out; I was minding my own business living my life and had a cold turn to high fevers and that turn to pneumonia. Although we had prayed and it did finally break I felt I should go to emergency and get some antibiotics. The doctor there would not let me go home and after 3 days of tests said: "the cancer is back." When I was told this, I wanted someone to prove it to me and at the same time, I wanted to know there was a means to bring it to an end. I didn't want pity or maybes.

It's now been over10 years since that second diagnosis and though they told me I would probably only have three years and there would be far more serious treatment as well as chemo…I am well and can attest to increased healing body, soul, and spirit. Because of this, I look at things a lot differently than I did the first time...

I live with a sense of urgency and at the same time, a peace that what is finished is finished. I was given a second chance and it is not something I take lightly.    



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