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The Zenith of Life: by Joey


In years past I did a certain amount of hiking and for me there was noting like reaching the summit. Now my summit experiences stem from finding quiet... Listening in the early morning hours to the birds singing I am aware it is a rather routine occurrence and yet I cannot help but think each time I hear them it is captivating all the same.


Living in an environment  where noise and high tech is the mode of operation it is easy to become desensitized to such a delicate sound.  Adding to that, running here and there and barely stopping to breathe, one might consider any time alone to simply listen, a rarity.


Being a lover of spring, both the season and the bodies of water one can often find hidden on a hike, I am mesmerized by all the different kinds of flowers that appear. Adding to the adventure, I often see birds I am not familiar with, a wild rabbit or two and one time (when walking with my sister-in-law several years ago) I saw a vole. This little creature kept running between my sister and law and I until it decided to move on.


Even now this is a high point or a culmination you might say to a day where there is far too much to distract and destroy and far too little real connection.


In processing the memories I feel a little sadness as I have not been able to see my brother and sister in law in some time. At the same time I am able to draw up the joy and complete peace I had that day exploring a new trail as well as listening to a rushing river and feeling the mist like it was yesterday. Creating new pathways of energy and light I am able to face my day with hope that there will be more summits, more joy in finding the crest of the mountain and more memories to draw from as time goes by.


It is interesting to me how just a few pinnacle moments can change the whole day from dark to light. Moments spent viewing things that are hidden and realizing again there are miracles daily if we keep our eyes open and our spirit light.


Life is a Zenith a dear friend expressed in a poem recently. I has stayed with me for days wondering just what that meant. For me it is a lot of things but one is seeing the levels of blossoms and the treasured fruit it can bring when I take time to listen.


(Being a writer I like to look or words that are not as commonly used and the meaning of words such as

zenith which means: high point, peak, pinnacle, crest, summit, climax, meridian, ANTONYMS bottom)


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