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Designed in the Moment: This winter has brought a quiet peace within me. I fear nothing and sense such release, though it is a cold and windy time. The joy that should be there is finally mine. Funny how the seasons change; one-day sunshine and then the cleansing rain. Sort of like winter in a young girl's heart, depending on spring to keep it from tearing it apart. And this time, it is all mine, the joy, the love, the contentment I find. A time of loving and being loved is finally here.


Friendship Connection: Friendship, it would seem, is like a river. Sometimes crystal clear, to its rocky bottom. Sometimes murky even when it flows a predictable straight line, always moving, always steady and sure. Friendship goes on without notice of night's end or shortening of a day. It gets stronger with every turn, growing most when we tear down walls and let it flow free. Unmoved by currents and rapids that get in the way. Friendship, it would seem needs to be uninhibited by how it was or how it should be.


Gray Days are Good Days: Autumn colors and a lot more clouds, thoughts of rain come to crowd the need for sunshine. It makes you wish you could turn back time.  People stay in more, to read a book, homeowners worry about how their lawns look. Grass that has withered is a little brown gets

a rest when the sun is not around. And yet, we still feel rainy days are not such good days, living unaware, that burning trees become wasted wood. And wishing for blue skies and sunshine is like waiting on should, could, would.


Heart of Wings: There's a crisp note of winter hanging on this spring. It feels like there is a softness to the season that's given my spirit wings. To fly to the mountains and to enjoy the peace and beauty in the new day. And yet there is a strong wind blowing, that seems so out of place. With the sun above so brilliant, it has hardly left its trace. For it is a grand and glorious morning full of the freshness of spring. And despite the bit of coolness, my heart knows no strings.


In a Heartbeat: A sweet bouquet aromatic to its core. I am amazed at what I see just beyond this door. Beautiful yet simple, I am made sure of the voice of truth. Captivating me in a manner that is

as startling as the sunrise, I am as one who just awakened to the heartbeat of love.


In the Garden:  A soft little petal fell to the ground today without making a sound. Returning to dust from which it came, this little petal held up under an intense strain.  Now released from a weight of care, I see it, and I am amazed as it scents the air. Ending its journey in this domain, I am left to feel I will never be the same. Even so, small but priceless, it has had a part in showing me a tenderness of heart. For in the beauty of one so small, I see love lives on to remind me to breakdown the walls.


Inspired Notes: Mud puddles, sandboxes, and a few robins to line my day with things that are beautiful and don't make me blue. Long walks with a treasured friend, scoping out the wildlife and listening to the quiet, an owl makes its presence known. And then, I am drawn to see the stars and the moon in the open sky as precious seed sown. Time stops, and for just a moment, there is wholeness within, as stars in the sky direct my path to the seashores and feeling akin. Horses roam the valleys and eagles soar, and my spirit is renewed as never before, with the quiet time spent revealing an open door.


Just Do it:  The phone rings a friend needs prayer, but you haven’t had a minute to spare. Just do

it! The doorbell rings, your neighbor needs time. You have not had a moment to unwind. Just do it! Your child comes home, unraveled from the world. And needs you to tell them, they are a valued pearl. Just do it! You go to church without much sleep, and something inside says,'praise and worship' will change what you reap. Just do it! Come Monday, you want to witness, but you feel

torn. The word says you are called and not to be lukewarm. Just do it!


Kodak Moment: When there is time, I walk the beach seeking quiet and occasional seashell. Looking to the sky, I wonder if I will ever reach the place of freedom and complete peace. I wonder if there is any more to life, and yet, with ease you comfort me. Washing my feet with each wave of 

the tide, it calms me and heals me up inside.


copyright 1991 and beyond



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