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The Impossible Made Possible: by Joey


While experiencing the worst snowstorm our state has seen in 70 years I am sitting at my computer in the midst of a power failure. Dumbfounded that we have just not caught a break I am determined to use the time. Looking at the mounds of snow and again experiencing what is to have no man-made light outside, I find myself drawn to a rare sense of quiet. While at the same time, feeling empty from the day's events, I am determined to allow this sense of stillness prevails. 


Inspired and strengthened I looked up the word "possible" and found: able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something: a person or thing that has the potential to become or do something. With that, I looked up "able" and that leads to having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something and having a considerable skill, proficiency, or intelligence. 


Stopping for a moment I have to say it astounds me that in the midst of really trying times how anyone can see the possible come from the impossible. And yet the heart wants what it wants and mine wants peace that passes understanding.  


The word 'understanding' means: perceive the intended meaning of words • perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of something: interpret or something in a particular way, be knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of. And the word peace leads to freedom from disturbance;  quiet and tranquility.


Moving on I see no reason to linger further in this state of constant turmoil, I still desire to resolve in a situation that has become quite impossible. impossible: very difficult to deal with • of a person very unreasonable: what an arrogant impossible fool. I do not know about others but I wish I had a choice over the animals in my barnyard. I am tired of getting kicked by the donkey and awakened by an overzealous rooster. I am also wary of the cleanup and the constant threat of no crops. Just the same, I know life is work. And only a fool would stay in a position of constantly engaging in conflict.


There is a choice. Searching for inspiration I came across the following quote: You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Gandhi


In wrapping this up I am aware that it is to easy to call the glass half empty versus half full. It is too easy to constantly be torn by others bitter, knee jerk reactions. It also occurs to me my own happiness is at stake when I allow all of this to preoccupy me. Therein, I refuse to be anything but occupied with the task at hand, to empower myself to enter in. 


Asking myself what it means to truly be happy I found this quote again from Gandhi: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do, are in harmony. Seems as feasible as reaching for the stars and yet I refuse to believe it is impossible. Resting in the hope that there is something bigger than me in this universe, I am willing to concede it's not about vain and self-indulgent games, but a 'true to self walk' that makes a blueprint for all that is to be recreated as new.


After eight hours of no power and fighting the cold, I am so aware of things that mean more than anything man can say is important. Still unable to sleep, with the stress created by shallow mindless chatter, I see the beauty of quiet as something that is unfailing even in the midst.  


Having said that I know the butterfly wings that I have been given are active. I know the person I am is not changed by the reflections of darkness but lit by the piercing purity of light. I also know that in the end it is not going to drive me under but it will cause my spirit to arise secure in a purpose and plan that has hidden treasure yet to be revealed but is nonetheless there.


It is really apparent to me that the more I strive to do the less I rest in the moment, (strive: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something: • struggle or fight vigorously) making me angry and bitter with disagreement. Instead, I find when I apply a little self-control it can move mountains. reminding me of a poem I wrote that seems just as real now:



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