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​Ladybug: Small and beautiful, wild and free, so tiny yet enduring you fascinate me. Spotted black and red or black and white, you appear out of nowhere to brighten my night. And I wonder if that is just nature's way, to get our attention off ourselves and on to the new day. 


Lemon Flowers: Did you know lemons have all sorts of health advantages? To hear people talk about them makes you wonder if they will even manage. Getting a few downers in the path of life seems to throw others into a balloon of strife. As a kid, I had never desired the actual drink, but as I have gotten older, it's made me think. Why do we give them such a bad wrap when they make up a lot of what are well-known facts. Providing a healing element of vitamin C, they also promote hydration, adding a glow to the skin that could set one free from looking old and run down. Lemons are quite the tool, and that makes anyone who will use it is no fool.
Lighthouses of Old: Diamonds in the rough, hidden in a diamond mine, workers put their lives at risk to make the big find. Seashells on a beach tell a story of something more, glistening in the water and left on a rugged shore. Roses in the garden sweetly scent the air as rainfall moistens the ground below roses grow without a care. Lighthouses once in working order, restored to give a guiding light, become the hidden treasure in the darkest night. Trails lead to forests, and to a mountain stream, eagles make their nest in the branches with no thought for broken dreams. Moonlight saturates the heart, and sunsets weave their spell as life moves in a circular motion that isn't run of the mill.
Listen: Can you hear my heart? Listen in the stillness and see. Can you hear the wind? Listen to the moor and find the key. Can you hear the whip-poor-will? Listen and let it be. Can you hear the waves crash on the shore? Listen and allow your spirit to soar. Can you hear the rise of the new moon? Listen, it is there and only there where you will see all things become clear, and true happiness runs free.
Love Notes: Thoughts of you have colored my day, wondering if you are okay. I tried to call and could not get through, which left me restless and without a clue. As to why I should be concerned, so I have been trying to discern if you need a note from a special friend or just a prayer to help you mend. So I'm asking my father to lend an ear until these thoughts fade away, and I know in my heart that you're okay.
Me do it -You do it: Just as roots anchor a tree, wings balance a butterfly, I need your love moving toward me. Just as the sun warms the face and rain can cleanse the air, I need to know you're there. Just laughter lessens the load. I need to keep from growing cold.


Moving Day: So much change going down seems like life has become all turned around. My job, 
my friends, my looks, my family, and a half dozen books. So much to think about, so much to do, I wanted this to be a time to renew. So much emotion my heads a spin, how I long to skip through this and know who wins. So much on my mind, it is too much, so dad, you are up to bat.

Music of the Heart: An invite to venture out to where I have never been before, could terrify and confuse and even blur an open door. A night of exploring something, new could put a different light on what is true. But then a night of risking a step toward love could end up in what I have only recently risen above. Or this invite could just be, the key to changing everything for me.


One Moment in the Fire: How would it look to live immersed in the fire of this living book, with eyes like a lamp? How would it renew the heart being focused on the treasure that seals one with the holy stamp? How would it be to live by this hidden truth, ready to reap the benefit of this hidden fruit? How would it strengthen one's determination to run this race, leaning into the anointing and not lose face? How would it change the times we live in if we begin to see: his love become a wide-open door.... and an his spirit as an eternal key?

copyright 1991 and beyond

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